Link Modeling

A.     Bang-Bang CDR modeling papers

J.K. Holmes, "Performance of a First-Order Transition Sampling Digital Phase-Locked Loop Using Random-Walk Models," IEEE Transactions on Communications,, no. 2, April 1972.
(One of the first papers on first order bang-bang CDR modeling using Markov chains – using block filtering on CDR decisions).

J.R. Cessna and D.M. Levy, "Phase Noise and Transient Times for a Binary Quantized Digital Phase-Locked Loop in White Gaussian Noise," IEEE Transactions on Communications,, no. 2, April 1972.
(Also on of the first papers on bang-bang CDR modeling, just using the moving window filter).

A.E. Payzin, "Analysis of a Digital Bit Synchronizer," IEEE Transactions on Communications,, no. 4, April 1983.
(More wrapped up – ready-to-use treatment of bang-bang CDR, with block filtering).

D.W. Paranchych and N.C. Bealieu, "Use of second order Markov chains to model digital symbol synchronizer performance," IEE Proceedings – Communications, vol. 143, no. 5, October 1996, pp. 250-258.
(Explains some details from Payzin that remained unclear – his thesis also has a very good intro/overview of the field)

I. Galton, "Analog-input digital phase-locked loops for precise frequency and phase demodulation," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, vol. 42, no. 10, October 1995, pp. 621-630.
(Sigma-delta approach to linearizing the bang-bang loops)

R. Walker et al, "A 2.488Gb/s Si-Bipolar Clock and Data Recovery IC with Robust Loss of Signal Detection," IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, Feb.1997, San Francisco.
(Extension of Galton’s paper to model the bang-bang CDR loop)

J. Kim, Design of CMOS Adaptive-Supply Serial Links, Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, December 2002.
(Nice alternative way to model bang-bang CDR loop – in the Appendix, but with noiseless input).

B.     VCO/PLL modeling papers

A. Hajimiri, "Noise in phase-locked loops," Southwest Symposium on Mixed-Signal Design, 2001. pp. 1 –6
(Linear phase modeling of the noise transfer functions of different PLL components – nice tutorial)

M. Mansuri and C-K.K. Yang, "Jitter optimization based on phase-locked loop design parameters," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 37, no. 11, Nov 2002, pp. 1375 –1382
(Very similar to Hajimiri’s paper, just focusing on supply and refClk noise)

A. Demir, et al, "Phase noise in oscillators: a unifying theory and numerical methods for characterization," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 47, no. 5, May 2000, pp. 655 –674.
(A bit more mathematical treatment of the oscillator phase noise than Hajimiri’s impulse sensitivity function approach)

C.     System and noise modeling

B. Ahmad, "Performance Specification of Interconnects," DesignCon 2003.

B.K. Casper et al, "An accurate and efficient analysis method for multi-Gb/s chip-to-chip signaling schemes," IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, June 2002, pp. 54-57.

V. Stojanović and M. Horowitz, "Modeling and Analysis of High-Speed Links," IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, September 2003.



Communication techniques


EE379A and EE379C course reader, Chapters 1-4.


Adaptive equalization
Qureshi, S.; Communications Magazine, IEEE , Volume: 20 Issue: 2 , Mar 1982 , Page(s): 9 -16

Very simple tutorial paper covering different equalization techniques and their advantages/disadvantages.


Fractional Tap-Spacing Equalizer and Consequences for Clock Recovery in Data Modems
Ungerboeck, G.; Communications, IEEE Transactions on [legacy, pre - 1988] , Volume: 24 Issue: 8 , Aug 1976, Page(s): 856 -864

      One of the first papers on fractionally spaced equalization.


Efficient Modulation for Band-Limited Channels
Forney, G., Jr.; Gallager, R.; Lang, G.; Longstaff, F.; Qureshi, S.; Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on , Volume: 2 Issue: 5 , Sep 1984, Page(s): 632 -647

An overview of modulation techniques.


Optimum pulse amplitude modulation--I: Transmitter-receiver design and bounds from information theory
Berger, T.; Tufts, D.; Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 13 Issue: 2 , Apr 1967, Page(s): 196 -208

One of the first papers that addresses inclusion of jitter in the analysis. Very good treatment of white Rx jitter with arbitrary pdf.


Optimum pulse amplitude modulation--II: Inclusion of timing jitter
Tufts, D.; Berger, T.; Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 13 Issue: 2 , Apr 1967, Page(s): 209 -216


A General Class of PAM Equalizers
Millott, L.;Communications, IEEE Transactions on [legacy, pre - 1988] , Volume: 28 Issue: 6 , Jun 1980, Page(s): 915 -917

Introduces a class of cost functions for optimization.


Transmitter precoding in synchronous multiuser communications
Vojcic, B.R.; Won Mee Jang; Communications, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 46 Issue: 10 , Oct. 1998, Page(s): 1346 -1355

Transmitter Precoding.


Adaptive minimum bit-error rate equalization for binary signaling
Chen-Chu Yeh; Barry, J.R.; Communications, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 48 Issue: 7 , July 2000, Page(s): 1226 -1235

Some effort towards minimum BER optimization.


Spatio-temporal coding for wireless communication
Raleigh, G.G.; Cioffi, J.M.; Communications, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 46 Issue: 3 , March 1998, Page(s): 357 -366

Shows capacity improvement with multiple Tx and Rx antennas.


FIR channel-shortening equalizers for MIMO ISI channels
Al-Dhahir, N.; Communications, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 49 Issue: 2 , Feb 2001, Page(s): 213 -218.